Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Train

The other day I was going to my class at H&R Block and I had to get there on time. While on my way, I was getting close to the railroad tracks when suddenly the lights go on, the gated come down and I had to stop the car. Meantime I told the Lord: "Please don't let it be a bunch of cars. I don't have time for that. Just make it one car only." Suddenly, here comes the train, and it's ONE car only. Oh, My again!!!

Paul John Paul II Rosary

When I received a Rosary with Pope St John Paul II inscribed on medals for each of the 4 Our Father's I really liked it so much I wanted another one to put in my purse. So I tried looking up on the organization who sent it to me's website and nothing. Then I get a phone call from my mother who tells me somebody she knows died and he had a special rosary and wants to give it to me. While Nick Guarriello was in CA visiting his son and daughter in law, my mother had a dinner for them. She gave Nick the rosary to give to me. After he came home he mailed it to me. I opened up the package and Lo! and Behold! the rosary was the St John Paul II Rosary that I was wanting. Oh, my!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Today I went to the Abbey to attend the last day of the retreat by Elizabeth Farley and it was on Edith Stein. After the Lunch, I thought I should stay for Vespers but the Holy Spirit said no, you need to go home and clean up all the tree limbs that are sitting on your lawn and sidewalk. Hmmm, yes, I better. So on the say home I asked the Lord if he could send me somebody who would help me with those big trunks. When I get home at the end of the street, is a man working on a big trunk of a tree that had fallen during the ice storm last week. So I parked my car in the garage, walked down the street and I asked the man if he could help me too. He said yes, after he's done there. When he was done he came over and started cutting the big limbs with his chain saw. In the meant time my friend John came over and he helped the man with the tree limbs. I made muffins for the man and also gave him a jar of my home made Lemon Cucumber Pickles and a jar of my home made Cranberry Jam with Grand Marnier. We managed to fill up the big green garbage container and he took the big pieces and put them in his truck. I will have to fill up the green container again next weekend since the garbage man does not come until Friday and today is Sunday. Thank you Lord.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fr Tim's surgery

I was at morning mass at St Joseph church in downtown Salem on Oct. 13th. Mass started at 7:05am. Fr Tim was having surgery at 7am. In the middle of the mass I felt this glow around my head, and my mouth suddenly opened up in a smile without my doing it myself. Then I heard a voice quietly inside me say: "Fr Tim is fine, he is going to be just fine!" I was flabbergasted. I looked at my watch and it was 7:27am. When I got home I emailed Fr Tim and related what happened to me in church that morning. He would not get back home from the hospital until the next day. The day after that I got an email from Fr Tim telling me that the Glow was correct. Everything went fine, he had no cancer. The tumor in his bladder was benign and the prostate was benign as well. No cancer whatsoever. AMAZING!!! How God talks to us!!!