Monday, May 30, 2011

Fr David's new assignment

In 2009, Fr David Jaspers was ordained a priest. I had prayed that he would get assigned to St Joseph Church in downtown Salem where I live. And so he was. So last year Fr Tim told me that Fr David will be assigned to a parish of his own after his assignment of two years is over. I then prayed to the Lord: "Lord, please do not send David to a far away church. I don't want him to be more than an hour away. So here we are in May of 2011, and Fr David tells me that he is being assigned to St Alice Parish in Springfield, Oregon, about an hour away from Salem, and 4 miles away from David's parents. What a God we have!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

When I was 13

When I was thirteen I was so in love with the Lord that I wanted to die and be with him in heaven. So I prayed every waking moment that the Lord would take me. I prayed for a series of deceases but nothing. So one night I had this dream, that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to me and said that "You can't come right now!" I asked her "Why not?" She answered: "There is something you have to do!" I then asked her "Well, am I going to heaven?" She did not give an answer for what seemed forever. Then she answered: "Yes". The dream ended. For years I wondered what that pause meant. I wondered if maybe that was going to be my time in Purgatory? Years later, I finally figured it out. The Blessed Virgin Mary can't foretell the future only God can. So she must have been waiting for an answer from Him and when she did, she passed it on to me. That made sense.
At almost 68, I have to guess I have not done what I'm supposed to do yet. So we'll see.